NOTE: This
article includes unsolicited comments about specific
products. I am not affiliated with, nor paid any
fees to comment about the products herein.
So often the water we drink is taken for granted. After
all we have bottled water everywhere, we have city water
and we have purifiers. But are we really drinking water
that is good for us? Statistics are on the rise for
Autism from several years ago when it was a rarity to
now 1 in 6 children. How about Cancer? Again years back
if you heard of Cancer, your mouth would drop. Now, it
has become common place. We live in an environment of
fast. Fast food, fast cars, fast and limited time, get
everything accomplished as quick as you can. Well to aid
in that process, farmers, manufacturers and the like all
accommodate with chemical processes; adding steroids,
hormones and antibiotics in so much of our food supply.
We find it in our air and yes, in our water we find
chemicals too. So again I’ll ask, “Are we really
drinking water that is good for us?”
Thankfully I can say, I Am. Some time back when hosting
the Quantum Life Radio program, Kangen water was brought
to my attention. Ironically I did not pay too much
attention at the time. But the woman I interviewed
insisted that this water was good for me. She literally
brought gallons and gallons over the course of two
months. I’d like to say that the term Kangen, is simply
a registered trademark of a company producing an
ionizing machine. Though this particular company has the
Rolls Royce of machines, but I digress. . .
The reason to share this is that we are made up of
primarily water; we all learn this in elementary school.
So it would reason that if the majority of what is in
our body is not quality, then ill health “is” a given.
Back to the point- through the generosity of this woman
bringing me water and giving me education, I found out
that aches and pains from car accidents did not have to
be a way of life. That fibromyalgia did not have to
dictate when I did my breath-work and that there is
living, healthful water available. It is purified,
ionized and electrolyzed.
Simply stated, most water people drink does not enter
our cells in the same way as ionized water; our cells
are not getting fully hydrated. The typical water is low
in ph and does not help oxidation. As babies we come
into this world with the right ph and alkalinity, and
then we begin to grow and change. Some acidity is simply
due to age, some environment. This is why we often here
about anti-oxidants to stay healthy. We know from
science that hydration is very important, that people
who are de-hydrated get headaches, dizziness, brain-fog
and a myriad of other symptoms that can lead to death.
What if we all decided to be healthier, stronger, and
happier? Do I think Kangen water is a cure all? No, but
I do believe that if you are looking to be healthier,
and you want your body to take good care of you. . .
then the right water is a must!