Halley Elise ©2009

Quite often you hear that stress is the primary culprit in illness, in work related absences and in overall discontentment.  Hospitals have added meditation and massage to their services for this very reason.  Below you’ll find tools that’ll relieve stress 24/7 and at no charge.

Nature automatically has a comforting effect on your psyche, so shift your attention to the outdoors.  Driving along an ocean’s shore evokes that sense of calm.  Digging in a garden dissolves stress quickly.  If you are unable to interact with live plants, artificial plants, or even paintings that emulate the same type of feeling can work.

Evaluate your home by standing for a moment in each room and notice your feelings.  Bright, vibrant colors tend to keep you stimulated and active and are great in rooms where you keep busy.  Muted, subtle tones soothe and relax.  Your bedroom beckons consideration for it is where you rest and refresh.  Then there is the congestion of things.  It blocks energy flow and creativity, and can not only cause physical maladies, but emotional as well- clear up clutter and lift your mood.

Meditation, prayer and music; are all excellent de-stressors and achieve inner and outer harmony.  Meditation specifically, eases you into a state of relaxed, altered consciousness, bliss and oneness.  Consistent daily practice is recommended for immense and long term benefits- though only five minutes a day can still harvest excellent results.

Try this:

Please read first and then know that you have the ability to use your mind, to form mental images that will carry you into a wonderful place.

Imagine a blank screen, ready for your thought projections.  It is any size and any color you like.  On this screen there is nothing more then light, yet in a moment it will be filled by you and your unique images.  These are your mental images of a world in which you are always in a peaceful, blissful, harmonious state.  (Remember this is your world and you can see it any way you like).

First imagine the light transforming into your favorite color.  See what you feel like when all is well in your world.  Imagine what you’d look like in your perfect state of being calm.  Imagine what you feel like in this state and imagine all those around you noticing this tremendous outpouring of serenity; as if you yourself have become fully radiant light.  Stay in this place as long as you are comfortable.  You can let your mind take you on an adventure, or you may simply return to the present moment feeling soothed and content.

Instantaneous stress relievers: 

Recite A, E, I, O. U repeatedly out loud until you smile.
Stomp on the grass barefoot.
Stand still for a moment and breathe deeply.
Affirm “I am now becoming peaceful.” 

Summoning peace can become a conditioned response...
It is simply a matter of time.